Welcome to Pokémon UNITE fashion week
One notable feature of Pokémon UNITE is its holowear, which is just a fancy word for cosmetic skins for the playable pokémon. These can be obtained through purchasing in-game currency with real money, or through exchanging fashion tickets. Now that the game’s first anniversary is approaching, there are more holowear styles than ever. So why not examine the game’s fashion items, with an eye for their more thematic elements? Welcome to Pokémon UNITE fashion week!
Category is: Village People
After doing some digging in the Zirco Trading shop, I realized that you can, in fact, assemble the Village People (minus the indigenous caricature) in Pokémon UNITE. So I set out to do just that. As the construction worker, we have Zeroara. This one is more of a stretch, but we have astronaut Cinderace in place of the cop (it’s still blue, whatever, ACAB). Machamp is taking on the leather daddy role in this ensemble. Tsareena is our sexy cowpoke, and Charizard is the boat captain.

- Power plant style: Zeraora
- Space Style: Cinderace
- Punk Style: Machamp
- Frontier Style: Tsareena
- Captain Style: Charizard
Category is: Sporty Spice
With its competitive nature and setting, it’s no wonder Pokémon UNITE has a lot of sporty holowear. My favorites include Aegislash (the sword pokémon) wearing just a headband, Slowbro in a fashionable black tank top, Zeroara in a kind of desert wrap, and Charizard in an orange tank top that blends into their tummy giving them the sports bra look.

- Purple Unite Style: Aegislash
- Training Style: Slowbro
- Training Style: Zeraora
- Orange Unite Style: Charizard
Category is: Pokébuki
Pokébuki was the theme of the last event in Pokémon UNITE, which modeled its holowear on traditional Japanese kabuki designs. Espeon, Absol, and Blastoise all look elegant in this collection.

- Pokébuki style: Absol
- Pokébuki style: Espeon
- Pokébuki style: Blastoise
Category is: Runway Realness
There are some really elegant, beautiful outfits from past events, so we’ve narrowed down the ultimate “who wore it best” here. Alolan Ninetails stole the show with two appearances on this list. Beyond that, Lucario, Decidueye, and Venusaur are looking dapper in outfits fit for the theater or gala.

- Theater Style: Alolan Nintetails
- Checkered Style: Alolan Ninetails
- Concert Style: Lucario
- Theater Style: Decidueye
- Suit Style: Venusaur