Superman celebrates Pride this month with a new rainbow cape
Here’s something that’ll have homophobic comic fans frothing at the mouth but the rest of us jumping for joy: Superman aka the son of Clark and Lois Kent, Jon, has a rainbow cape now. And it’s all thanks to his beautiful, pink-haired boyfriend, Jay Nakamura.
The pair are featured in the upcoming DC Pride 2022 in a story titled ‘Super Pride’, worked on by Devin Grayson, Nick Robles, Triona Farrell and Aditya Bidikar. In a quick snapshot of the panel, we can see Jay give Jon some sort of gift, which just looks to be an ordinary cape… But when Jon looks closer, he realizes what Jay has done to make this particular cape stand out.
The touching moment was shared via colourist Tríona Tree Farrell’s Twitter account.

Superman doesn’t just have a rainbow flag though, as you can see in this preview there is also the bisexuals, trans, non-binary and asexual pride flags included. We do love a hero who wants to represent us all, now don’t we?
Superman was revealed to be bisexual late last year in a storyline that saw him coming to terms with his attraction to a reporter called Jay. Later on, it was revealed that Superman would also get a new motto: “truth, justice, and a better world”. This was to reflect a more modern audience.
However, not everyone was happy. It led to a DC colourist refusing to finish his contract with the publisher, promptly leaving in a protest of DC becoming “too woke”, and going on to back the hateful movement, Comicsgate.
Yet it wasn’t all negative press. Ultimately the coming out of Jon Kent as bisexual meant that fans of the character were able to see themselves in this new iteration of Superman, and a new LGBTQ+ story no doubt also brought new fans into the fold too.
You can pre-order the DC Pride 2022 comics via this method, shared on Twitter.