Dead by Daylight Chapter 24: Roots of Dread releases June 7th
Dead by Daylight celebrates its 6th anniversary with a brand new reveal of Chapter 24: Roots of Dread.
Inspired by the haunting tales of myths and legends that invoke fear into a community, Chapter 24: Roots of Dread asks two very important questions: what is fear and what fuels it? The answer to that question is The Dredge – a formless mass of limbs, tentacles, and shadows, with a gaping maw for a head with dead, soulless eyes.
Developed in a way that’ll make you think back to your early fears of a monster under your bed, The Dredge embodies that with a very special ability: the power to teleport between lockers to catch Survivors off guard and ruin the one place of shelter that the Survivors thought they had.

With The Dredge’s power being locker-based, it is no surprise that the mysterious entity has more than a few tricks up its sleeves. It can travel from locker to locker, while leaving a Remnant behind (we assume this is similar to The Spirit’s power when she shifts).
The Dredge also has another special ability: Nightfall. To activate it, the Nightfall meter must be full – which can be done by injuring Survivors, putting them on hooks, or The Dredge’s teleport power is used. The more Survivors are injured, however, the faster the meter fills. Once it is full, Nightfall begins, granting The Dredge no Terror Radius and a shorter cooldown for teleporting to lockers. As for the Survivors? They must navigate in total darkness for 60 seconds.
Much like all Killers, The Dredge comes with three unique perks. These are:
- Septic Touch – Whenever a Survivor performs a healing action within your Terror Radius, they will suffer from Blindness and Exhaustion. These effects linger for 6 seconds after a healing action is interrupted by any means.
- Dissolution – 3 seconds after injuring a Survivor, Dissolution activates for 12 seconds. When the Survivor fast vaults over a pallet inside your Terror Radius, the pallet will break and this perk deactivates.
- Darkness Revealed – When you open a locker, the auras of all Survivors within 16 metres of any lockers are revealed to you for 3 seconds. This perk has a 30 seconds cooldown.
“We’re thrilled to be offering our players an original Chapter for the game’s anniversary this year. Dead by
Daylight has grown and diversified itself tremendously since its creation, and with Roots of Dread, we
focused on the essence of the game: visceral fear and the thrill of the hunt,” explains Dave Richard,
Creative Director for Dead by Daylight. “The Dredge is a strange and creepy monster with a unique
design, a first for Dead by Daylight Killers. It lurks and hunts from the shadows with the power to engulf
Survivors in darkness, and I believe this makes for a very intense experience for all players.”
Of course, if you’re a player who would rather take on the role of Survivor, then Dead by Daylight Chapter 24: Roots of Dread will still have plenty for you. For players who have been paying attention to the Tome Lore shared in the Archive, they’ll be pleased to know that this time around they will be stepping into the shoes of the bold Haddie Kaur.

Born in India, Haddie moved to Quebec with her family as a child after losing her biological parents in a car accident. Whether because of this tragic event or in spite of it, Haddie quickly found herself drawn to everything paranormal, fuelling her with courage, as well as a morbid curiosity for answers others would have found indelicate.
Having previously fought monsters and shared their existence with the world, Haddie is one of the few Survivors who are ready (and prepared) to face off against the Killers in the Entity’s realm.
Haddie Kaur’s three unique perks are:
- Residual Manifest – After a successful blind action, the Killer is affected by the Blindness status effect for 30 seconds.
- Inner Focus – You can see other Survivor’s scratch marks within a 32 meter range of you. When another Survivor loses a health state within 32 meters of you, the Killer’s Aura is revealed for 5 seconds.
- Overzealous – After cleansing a totem, Overzealous activates. Your generator repair speed is increased by 4%, but the perk is deactivated when you lose a health state by any means.
Alongside these two new characters, Chapter 24 will introduce a new map: The Garden of Joy. A scenic paradise which wouldn’t look out of place on a postcard depicting a beautiful American town. Only this town is hiding secrets: disturbing and terrifying ones.
You can watch the full trailer for Dead by Daylight Chapter 24: Roots of Dread below.
The new chapter will be available on June 7th on Steam, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Epic Games Store, Windows Store, Nintendo Switch and Stadia.