Monday, March 17, 2025
Games NewsNews

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes reveals protagonist Shez

A brand new trailer for Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes reveals that the new protagonist will be a purple-haired mercenary called Shez.

Previously it had been the assumption that players would return as Byleth, the protagonist of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, but not only does that not seem to be the case, it looks as though Byleth may be the game’s main villain.

In the latest trailer, Shez goes up against Byleth and despairs that they can’t defeat them, despite Byleth coming across as just a simple mercenary. However, players of Three Houses will know that Byleth is far from being someone who is simple – they possess The Sword of the Creator, a relic that gives them great power.

Somehow Shez escapes their fight with Byleth and seemingly joins up with Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude. They are then offered three diverging paths: Scarlet Blaze with Edelgard, Azure Gleam with Dimitri, or Golden Wave with Claude. They are joined by their retainers, Hubert, Dedue and Hilda.

Unlike Three Houses’ gameplay, Three Warriors looks as though it’ll adopt the style of more action-focused combat with tactical strategy running underneath. You’ll have to decide which unit goes where, and how to use them effectively against an overwhelming number of enemies – meaning yes, you’ll need to put your thinking caps on for this one!

Nevertheless, there are familiar features from previous games, such as adjutants, cooking meals, and getting to know members of your team via exploration, as well as training. The big difference is that instead of Byleth, you’ll be doing this all as Shez instead.

In this new Fire Emblem game, Shez will be able to be changed to be either male or female, opening up the question of whether the relationships you build (whether romance or otherwise) will be limited depending on your gender as it was in Three Houses, or if it is just to give players more choice. Byleth’s gender in Three Warriors can also be picked to present as either male or female.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes will be available on Nintendo Switch on June 24th.

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