Monday, March 17, 2025

Ways to help the Trans Youth of Texas

Yesterday, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas announced that adults present in the lives of trans youth, be it their teacher, doctor, therapist, etc, should report their parents or guardians – the people who look after them – to the authorities if they help their child get gender-affirming medical care. Abbott has named this medical care ‘child abuse’, something so immoral that it directly harms children.

Not only do we know this not to be the case, but it is hate speech. Speech used to make it seem like the trans youth of Texas are in need of fixing, or that those who support them are causing harm to them for helping them be who they truly are. To put it simply: Gov Abbott is wrong. He and his supporters are trying to prevent trans youth from being their authentic selves. This is unforgivable.

Gayming Magazine might be based in the UK, but we’re read globally and our love for our trans siblings all around the world is boundless. We want to support the trans youth of Texas, and as such, we are currently in the middle of working out what we can do best to respond to this. Full details on what that will be will be shared on our socials sometime in the near future.

In the meantime, our friends at GaymerX have written a beautiful, soulful letter addressing the trans children of Texas. We would like to share a few paragraphs that also echo our sentiments.

“It may not seem like it right now, but there is hope. Most of us adult queer folks grew up without a lot of support from our communities. There were not enough caring and knowledgeable adults looking out for us. We know how much that sucks. We don’t want that to happen to you. We’re going to stick up for you because we know how it feels when people in power treat you like you shouldn’t exist. (And you absolutely should exist!) There are a ton of queer and allied adults who are on your side and who are fighting hard, every day, to make the world a safer place for you and other LGBTQIA+ people.

We’re not going to give you some shallow “it gets better” talk. We’re promising you that there are people who are fighting to make it better for you, right now. We’re asking you to hold on while we fight this and things like it. We’re going to keep looking for ways to create spaces and media that validates you and who you are. Lastly, We want you to know that many of us who are already in jobs that are supposed to protect you intend to keep doing just that, in spite of this order. We’re asking the other adults in your communities to do the same.”

GaymerX has also shared a comprehensive list of resources that’s aim is to directly help trans youth in Texas. You’re able to read the list for yourself, here.

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