First Bite is a queer blend of sex and violence
The stench of sweat that fills the air is nothing compared to the overwhelming aroma of blood: metallic, tangy, and the siren’s call that bids you to walk into the house of 6969 Dead End’s Drive. Inside you’ll find the allure of First Bite in the form of three vampires, all of which are very eager to move your head from your shoulders.
Vampires – we can’t help but love them. From the 2000’s obsession with the sparkly Cullen family to the 1819 ‘The Vampyre’ novel from John William Polidori, we’ve been drawn to vampires and the mythology of them time and time again, with each morbid fascination unique to the individual. For some the vampire represents a sexual awakening, for others queerness or otherness. For First Bite… it’s all three.
The LGBTQ+ visual novel starts players by introducing them to their character Noe, whose pronouns and name can be changed to suit your playstyle, a 20-something cryptid lover who spends most of their time writing sexy fanfic about big names like Bigfoot and Mothman. They’re someone who I’d describe as a person who lives from gig to gig, searching for that sweet serotonin release of a community on the internet who worships their hot takes and even hotter fiction on the supernatural and paranormal.
The player character doesn’t really have much going for them outside of them being a writer and working a job at a coffee place. My lack of importance is something I don’t really mind too much, as it’s obvious that you as a character is far from being the thing we’re supposed to find interesting. You’re really just a self-insert who wants to bone vampires. Like, that’s why we’re all playing right? First Bite knows that, and because it’s equally campy as it is sexy, it doesn’t go out of its way to tease the player that they are anything but a self-insert. There’s no tragic past, no defining moment. Just you, vibing.
So it’s no real surprise that it doesn’t take long for you to take a lonely walk throughout the neighbourhoods of Portland and discover the main event: a lone house that practically screams attractive vampires live here. Only, you soon come to realize that these vampires are far from being the kind and gentle creatures you’ve grown up with The Vampire Diaries and Twilight.

Instead, players encounter Ilyas, a himbo of a vampire with a bloodlust like nothing you’ve witnessed before, Laurel, an enigma whose danger lies in the things unsaid and Valeria, a selfish and vain aristocrat who values violence and good wine equally. First Bite doesn’t necessarily add anything new to vampires that we’ve not already seen before. They are sexy, powerful, and are down to clown in between your legs if you play your cards right.
But let’s get one thing straight: these vampires aren’t, and they are more than willing to rip your throat out with no hesitation whatsoever. Say the wrong thing at the wrong time, regardless if you’re at the start or ‘middle’ of your relationship with your chosen vampire, and you’ll quickly find yourselves becoming a bloody smoothie. On one hand, this isn’t great for replayability, but I won’t deny that it made my time with Valeria, Illyas, and Laurel all that more exciting and memorable.
Still, what stops me from simply observing First Bite as an average, erotic vampire fanfiction spun into the format of a game, which isn’t a bad thing, is the level of care that’s been shown to convey the ethereal vampire and the impact time has had on their own, fraying humanity. While each vampire is utterly intoxicating and attractive, the way the three of them have been touched by modern society and how it is reflected in their little quirks – for example, Ilyas not knowing that JRPG swords are, in fact, not real swords – is loveable and hilarious to witness. It’s these moments for me that stand out beyond the sex, which is well-written but not half as endearing or fulfilling as getting to know the humanity behind the monster.
Overall, First Bite is an intriguing LGBTQ+ friendly visual novel that isn’t afraid to horrify and tease its players both with its atmospheric writing and tantalizing cast of characters.
Score: 3.5/5
A copy of First Bite for PC was provided to Gayming Magazine by the developer.