Saturday, March 15, 2025

Ruby Rose about Warner Bros: “They destroyed Batwoman”

It has been a hectic couple of days for both Ruby Rose, the previous lead of CW’s Batwoman and Warner Bros, the company who Rose alleges were terrible to work for due to poor working conditions, as well as supposed negligence and allegations of abuse.

The spotlight was shone on Warner Bros when an Instagram story from Ruby Rose on Wednesday revealed the real reason for leaving the CW show wasn’t just because they weren’t a good fit like the star had said before, but was due to the poor work conditions faced underneath Warner Bros.

Through these work conditions, Rose alleges that several people working on Batwoman faced severe injuries, including themself. They even mentioned that criticism of their performance being called ‘wooden’ and/or ‘stiff’ was due to being forced back onto set 10 days after surgery, otherwise the whole cast and crew of Batwoman would be fired.

In an Instagram post Rose told fans to stop asking them about if they’d return to the show, stating “they ruined [the character] Kate Kane and they destroyed Batwoman, not me. I followed orders, and if I wanted to stay I was going to have to sign my rights away.”

Warner Bros has since fired back at Rose, stating that what they described as “revisionist history.”

“The truth is that Warner Bros. Television had decided not to exercise its option to engage Ruby for season two of Batwoman based on multiple complaints about workplace behavior that were extensively reviewed and handled privately out of respect for all concerned.” The company stated to The Times.

Ray Fisher, who has had his own troubles with Warner Bros in how they and Justice League director, Joss Whedon, treated him, spoke out in support of Rose.

“Good on Ruby Rose. Naming names isn’t easy, but it must be done.” The actor tweeted.

They also responded to the Warners Bros statement, saying “Specific people were named, and WB’s defense is to generalize Ruby Rose’s account by making it seem like they’re taking wild swings at everyone in every department? Now I’m no expert on hit pieces, but I know a WB whistleblower special when I read it.”

Rose has recently posted on their Instagram thanking fans for their support, and that it’s “time for them to take their life back.” They also said that ‘this’ has been handed over “to the appropriate people now.” What this means is anyone’s guess, but we have a feeling this will be far from the last thing we hear about Ruby Rose and their time with Warner Bros.

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