Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies slams LGB Alliance and the Conservative government

We all knew Russell T Davies was an icon, but nothing could have prepared us for the Doctor Who showrunner to deliver such a fierce speech against the LGB Alliance and the Conservative government.

The speech was delivered by Davies as he went to collect his Attitude Award for his inspirational miniseries It’s A Sin at the Virgin Atlantic Attitude Awards 2021. It was a speech that not only condemned the actions of the organization of the LGB Alliance and their attitude and actions against trans people, but the Conservative government who, in 1988, introduced a law in schools that made talking about homosexuality illegal in the first place. The law was known as Section 28.

“The education that was needed was forbidden by the government, by law.” Davies stated. “And that’s the same Tory government that’s in power today.”

“Because if they can look down on you, if they can forget you, if they can ignore you – they’ve done the same in the pandemic as they did with the previous virus – they will always do this.” Davies continued, passionately stating, “for f***k sake, vote them out will you? It’s not going to get better.”

The speech did not end with the Conservatives, however – not by a long shot. Davies next turned his attention to the LBG Alliance, a group that directly opposes Stonewall’s policies on trans issues, and often ‘defends’ the rights of lesbians, bisexual and gay individuals to “define themselves as same-sex attracted” and imply that splitting gender and sexual attraction is confusing. They are also against gender identity education in schools.

Davies had quite a few things to say about their conduct, particularly about their removal of the ‘T’ from the LGBT+ acronym. Davies started to speak using only three words to convey that you could certainly understand what someone was saying in a conversation, but that it ultimately took away from the joys of using all of the letters in the alphabet. To put it bluntly: it was a perfect metaphor to describe the damage of being ostracized.

By the end of the speech, Davies was met with a standing ovation.

The full speech can be seen below. It’s a definite must-watch and it shows Davies fully declaring his allyship for the trans community, a community that has been utterly and completely under attack from both the media and governments that are ‘supposed to protect its people.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned, Russell T Davies is not messing around by slamming the LGB Alliance. Will he bring that fire when he returns to Doctor Who? Only time will tell.

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