Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Russell T Davies returns as programme showrunner for Doctor Who

Russell T Davies, the screenwriter and showrunner who revived Doctor Who with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper back in 2005, is set to return. Davies left the show in 2009, leaving the series to be handled by Steven Moffatt who gave us the dorky, but loveable Matt Smith and the infallible Peter Capaldi Doctor.

“I’m beyond excited to be back on my favourite show,” Davies tells the BBC. He will resume his role as head writer and producer of the show sometime in 2023 – the year where the show will mark its 60th anniversary.

This means that until then, current head writer and executive producer Chris Chibnall will keep his role until he, alongside current Doctor Jodie Whittaker, departs from the show. Of course, Whittaker still has three 2022 specials, as well as one more six-part series to complete before she can officially retire from the TARDIS.

As for Davies, his departure in 2009 left him more than enough time to continue creating incredible TV. It’s A Sin, a miniseries drama about five, queer friends who have their lives tested whilst growing up in the shadows of AIDs, won the National Television Award for Most Popular New Drama.

Even outside of not writing Doctor Who, Davies has never truly left the series far behind. The creation and success of both Torchwood – a gritty, adult, sci-fi drama that combined both aliens, sex and hedonism – and The Sarah Jane Adventures is proof enough of that.

BBC’s director of drama, Piers Wenger stated that news of Russell T Davies return would “delight Doctor Who fans across the globe”. Considering that Davies revitalized the sci-fi series and included momentous, break-out moments such as the first gay kiss between The Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness, it’s not hard to see why fans are excited for the future of the series.

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