Thursday, October 10, 2024

Gender Game Jam starts soon on

There’s nothing that quite brings people together like Game Jams, and the Gender Game Jam is looking to do just that when it opens its commissions next week, September 24th.

Game jams are projects that bring a group of strangers together in order to create a video game that relates to a particular theme. For example, you could run an LGBTQ+ game jam with a theme being ‘Western’. That sounds like just a lot of gay cowboys and we, for one, are here for it.

For the Gender Game Jam though – hosted by users leyaeggem_o_131puddlelogic – the theme is pretty much in the title. It’s a game jam that encourages you to explore your gender in a way that is meant to be fun and interactive, rather than being oppressive.

The full statement of the Gender Game Jam can be seen below:

“This game jam is part of a study to understand the role that technology can play in helping people explore aspects of gender/ identity.  Everyone has different experiences and ways of relating to this. We want to explore how bringing in an aspect of playfulness can help provide a safe space and opportunities to use various strategies/techniques/modalities for individuals to explore different aspects of gender/identity.”

“We think playful technologies such as games can be powerful tools for identity exploration – play can facilitate embodied experiences through its various mechanics and some players have reported that games have been really helpful as part of their journey of understanding themselves.”

“We are hosting this event to explore, reflect on and celebrate different journeys and mechanisms for exploring/understanding/expressing gender and it’s multiple dimensions through designing games; to see how ‘strategies’ or experiences for exploration or understanding concepts related to gender can be translated or understood in a playful context, and to explore notions of inclusivity in games.”

If you’re interested in taking part in this new game jam, then check out the official page over on

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