Friday, March 14, 2025

What your favourite Boyfriend Dungeon weapon says about you

Boyfriend Dungeon has a lot of jokes about how you wield your weapon, but as far as I’m concerned it’s all about which is your favourite weapon to wield rather than how you use it… An unpopular opinion maybe, but I am always full of hot takes and a willingness to share them to the detriment of friendships everywhere!

We’ve all got our favourite weapon in Boyfriend Dungeon, a weapon that just fits right in our hands and slips into our sheath without resistance. But do we actually know what our chosen weapon says about us? I don’t think we do, and that’s why I’m here to help.

It should be noted that I’m not an expert in relationship advice or anything, but I am a Capricorn. Take of that what you will, or send me vaguely mystical messages because we’re not compatible or something. I don’t know how this works.



Not only are you the classiest person in the entire world, but you also have a kind and gentle heart. You care a lot about people, to the point that some people would say that you care TOO much, y’know? You do often put people before yourself, but it never really feels like a chore, so you’re happy to keep on doing that. But, seriously, you need to relax and have a little self-care sometime, okay?

And if the weight of the world isn’t already on your shoulders, well guess what? You probably also have some daddy issues that you’ve yet to work through. Don’t worry though, everyone does. Like, for real, I only know 2 people who don’t have daddy issues. It’s common!

favourite Boyfriend Dungeon

You’re someone who is afraid to let down their walls, because once you let them fall then how are you going to protect yourself, right? Walls are there to keep the bad stuff in, and even a slight crack in them is enough to send you into a spiral. Some might call you aloof because of this, but others who do get to see the real you… You’re like the sun, bursting from the crest of the hill, warm and hopeful.

If your favourite weapon is Seven, it’s also just highly likely you’re into some sort of eastern Pop, whether that be KPop or JPop, and it doesn’t have to be just the music either, but the fashion and aesthetic. It’s hard not to when Seven is looking THAT slick…

favourite Boyfriend Dungeon

You believe deeply in the concept of ‘I can change him’ and while I’m not going to judge you for that, let’s just say that I admire your desire to go for someone who everyone, including their best friend, tells you is bad news. Because that’s just one red flag too many for me, but you do you.

Now Sunder isn’t a bad weapon, he is really respectful of your boundaries and if you like him you’ve no doubt embraced your reputation as someone who loves a bad boy. After all, you like to fix things (or make them worse) and as long as you peel off those layers of self-hatred and doubt, there’s got to be some sort of moral accomplishment for that? Maybe you and Sunder can ride off into the sunset, right? … Right?


You’re very creative and one of your favourite things to do is watch someone get really passionate about something they love. Like, their eyes light up, they start to talk really fast and they get a beautiful smile on their face and your heart beats so fast it’s like a jackhammer. That’s pretty much how it feels to listen to Valeria talk about art. It also helps that she’s best girl and doesn’t believe in colonial holidays. We love a girl who says ‘fuck that’ to racist bullshit.

If Valeria is your favourite in Boyfriend Dungeon then you’re probably someone who is big on trust. You don’t give it out easily, and once someone messes with that trust it’s hard for them to gain it back. Despite this, you’re easily flustered and have no clue what to do when someone compliments you, though you appreciate anyone who’s pretty direct, why can’t more people be like that?


Ever wanted a weapon that makes you feel like the coolest person ever? Then there’s no doubt in my mind that Rowan is your favourite weapon in Boyfriend Dungeon. They work especially well for those out there who are STILL in their emo phase and refuse to let anyone take your My Chemical Romance CD’s off you. That and you know those fake animal bone necklaces you can get? You either already have some, or you’re ordering some right now because they sound metal as HECK.

In all seriousness, you’re someone who likes their own company and prefers talking to animals than other people around you. Because of that you come across as pretty cold, but you’re just a little anxious and prefer company that doesn’t necessarily talk back. When did that become a crime?


You’re like, really attracted to Tracer from Overwatch. That’s like the only explanation I’ve got right now because the moment I saw Sawyer I pretty much did just yell ‘TRACER? FROM OVERWATCH?’

Jokes aside (I’m not joking), Sawyer is a little bit like marmite, which describes you perfectly. You’re someone who everyone loves and will defend until the end of the earth, or people will say your taste is shit and put you in the F section of a tier list. It isn’t your fault, you’ve just got that sort of personality. Personally you’ve found a lot of people find you cute, either because you’ve yet to figure out how to cook anything outside of toast, or you’re so ditzy that hating you would be like hating a puppy. Impossible!

favourite Boyfriend Dungeon

Not only are you a cat lover, you’re someone who likes to get up close and personal with people at every opportunity – with their consent, of course. Now don’t get it twisted, you’re independent and you know exactly what you want from people, but sometimes you just want to have a little cuddle but ONLY on your own terms.

What makes you stand out from the crowd is that you’re distinctly aware that you’re super cute. Some think that makes you stuck-up, but it’s not a crime to be cute and let everyone know that you know it, now is it?

How did your favourite weapon in Boyfriend Dungeon shape up? Will there be the addition of Leah and Jonah in the future? Well, you’ll just have to wait and see…

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