Sunday, February 23, 2025
Games NewsNews

Cyberpunk 2077 update will address the gay sex mix-up at Clouds

If you’ll cast your mind back to when Cyberpunk 2077 was released back in December last year, you’ll no doubt have remembered that there was a ‘small’ incident with straight players being upset at being catfished into gay sex. Only…there isn’t any gay sex at all in this particular instance in Cyberpunk 2077, but whatever – straight people are weird.

The incident, in particular, has everything to do with when V goes to Clouds – an organization that specializes in sex work through the use of mind-changing cybernetics and memory. You do this because you’re trying to find out more about the whereabouts of Evelyn Parker.

As you speak to the receptionist at Clouds, you get the option to speak to a sex worker called Skye or Angel. One is a man, the other is a woman. Because of some UI issue, players would not be able to see which name matches up to which sex worker in time before they made their decision. This led to some players feeling as though they were ‘catfished’ by Cyberpunk 2077 into picking the gay sex option. And again, there isn’t any gay sex in this scene, you just quite literally stare at one another for a bit and talk about Evelyn Parker and wax some poetry for a bit.

Regardless, a few players felt that their immersion was broken because now ‘uh no, the game thinks I’m bisexual/gay’ after picking the wrong option. It feels like just a genuine mistake you’d get over and move on, but guess not.

Well, CD Projekt Red have decided that they’ll be addressing this in the next update for Cyberpunk 2077. In a new blog post titled ‘What’s new in Night City? [Patch 1.3 development insight]’ the developers used a news format to explain what changes they’d be making to this particular scene, as well as describing what the problem was in the first place.

“Although the owners claim that the situation was never beyond their control, it’s clear that Clouds has undergone a major crisis after an incident involving one of their dolls.” The statement reads. “It seems that the incident may have forced the introduction of additional precautions ensuring customer satisfaction.”

Only Cyberpunk 2077 would describe the accidental choice of choosing a guy instead of a girl as a major crisis. That being said, it is vital that CD Projekt RED have listened to players, and will be making the choice more obvious for future playthroughs. Now if only the developers would listen to trans and queer fans about making the game feel less like a straight, white dude’s paradise… That’d be the day!

To read more about the future update for the game, check out the official blog post for Cyberpunk 2077 right here.

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