Wednesday, March 12, 2025
DIGIPRIDE 2021Streamer Spotlight

Streamer Spotlight: FrankthePegasus

Welcome to a new Streamer Spotlight where this time, the spotlight falls on FrankthePegasus!

FrankthePegasus is a streamer who mostly enjoys simulation and sandbox games with a dash of scary games and a lot of talking! She’s also a fierce sex and body positivity activist who has just been revealed as one of Twitch’s newest Ambassadors, a title she takes very seriously.

I got to chat with Frank about her work as a streamer, her new Ambassador role, and how she creates true “slumber party vibes” on her stream!

Hey Frank, thanks for joining me. When and why did you start streaming?

I started streaming in 2016 after my partner suggested it. We had been fans of Games Done Quick for years but had only recently discovered that streaming was more than just speed-running. I knew I wanted to help people, and streaming for charity seemed like a great way to be able to do that. I started to stream for fun, but it was always with the goal to make the world just a little bit better.

What can people expect from your stream?

The community and I always say that we have “slumber party vibes.” It’s more than just cozy, and more than just chaos. It’s the feeling you get when you’re hanging out with your best friends and it feels like nothing else matters. We get into those silly, post soda and cake hyperactive times. But we also get those moments where it’s late, nobody else is awake, and someone needs to have a deep talk. Only without the soda, cake, and late nights! 

The big news is that you’re one of the newest Twitch Ambassadors, congratulations! For the uninitiated, what does that mean?

Thank you! I’m incredibly honored and honestly still in a bit of shock! Being an Ambassador means that I have proven myself to Twitch to be doing something positive, uplifting, and unique within the content creation space. In my case, it is my work being a sex positive person and my emphasis on body liberation. 

What does it mean to you to be a Twitch Ambassador and what will you do with your new status?!

Being an Ambassador was a huge dream of mine, and not just for the pretty badge. Ambassadors get a direct line to Twitch to offer up feedback from new features and programs they are running. Ultimately, my goal from when I started streaming to now hasn’t changed. I want to make the world slightly better, more inclusive, and more thoughtful. Being able to help someone’s voice be heard was really the biggest motivator for me to become an Ambassador, and the tool I plan to flex the most now that I’ve achieved it. 

On stream, you play a lot of cozy games like Animal Crossing, what is it you enjoy the most about this type of game?

I love to speak with my community, more than anything else. Games that are a bit cozy and chill really help me be able to focus my energy toward the chat while still giving me something to do with my anxious hands. Animal Crossing in particular is really special because it allows for a pure form of expression. I love getting creative with decoration and being able to show off my personality in a game. 

What games that are coming up are you most excited about?

I’m pumped that Slime Rancher 2 was announced! I can’t wait for those super cute bat slimes! But also Palia. Simulation game meets MMO?! It sounds absolutely perfect and I love their emphasis on inclusivity. I truly cannot wait to play it with all of my friends.

How do you find being an out LGBTQ streamer?

Most days, being loud and proud about my queerness is really rewarding. I love getting to connect with folks and talk about our experiences as we all move through the world. I think it’s also incredibly important to be a queer representative, and a person who is proudly polyamorous. It’s especially sweet any time someone feels like our community is the place they feel safest to try out new pronouns, a new label, or even come out for the very first time. I’ll never stop being amazed! And more than anything, I understand how incredible it is for folks to have that space because it wasn’t something I had growing up while I was discovering myself.

Are you happy about the arrival of the expanded Twitch tags, albeit belated?

Yes! There are so many incredible tags to help me identify myself and they are ever evolving and expanding! I love that there is even a Plus Size tag and a Body Positivity tag – two things I didn’t even expect but have been absolutely delighted to have. It’s hard, because we are only allowed a limited number of tags for now. We’re complex creatures who have a lot of things we simultaneously represent and it is difficult to prioritize which is most important. I hope in the future we can expand the number of tags we’re allowed so it feels more inclusive to our whole beings. 

What more can the industry be doing to support diverse streamers?

I think the biggest thing is to remember that we are diverse all year round. I know it is trendy and exciting to support queer folks during Pride Month, but I’m gay all the time, not just in June! On an individual level, I think constantly checking to be sure that the table you find yourself seated at is diverse. Diversify your circles so when opportunities arise, it isn’t hard for you to have a group of people to work with that represent different perspectives.

What advice would you have for a young LGBTQ person wanting to start out streaming?

The advice that I give to any new streamer is have fun. If it isn’t fun, change things until it is. In the case of a young LGBTQIA2S+ person, that may mean you need to be well-acquainted with your moderation settings. It’s not always, but harassment can definitely make streaming an un-fun thing. So making sure you know your automod settings, bot settings, and mod tools is super helpful to keeping the environment more positive.

What’s your main goal as a streamer for the future?

I want to continue to create a space where people feel like they can be themselves, free of judgment. I want people to feel like they can embrace the things they might have been shamed for in other spaces, and really learn to love themselves. I want to leave the world a little bit better each and every day. 

What do you enjoy the most about streaming?

Learning! I get to connect with people from across the world and learn about their cultures and customs and that’s an experience that is really only possible because of streaming. I think it brings us all closer together to have shared experiences, but also to be able to talk about our differences. 

What have you learned about yourself through streaming?

The absolute best thing I’ve learned about myself is how to be self-confident. When I started streaming I was closeted, insecure, and really really shy. I’m still quite introverted, and that’s not likely to change, but I’ve embraced so many things about myself! Having a community that loves and celebrates one another for their interests and their differences has really helped to shape me.

What’s the game that defined your childhood?

I don’t know if there’s one game that defined my childhood. I started playing games myself, at least seriously, when I was an adult. But I have very fond early memories of watching my mother play the original Legend of Zelda and I have no doubt that it’s a huge factor into why that’s one of my favorite game series. I also have really vivid memories of Final Fantasy 7, and I know for a fact that the reason I love RPGs is absolutely shaped by this game. 

What are you looking forward to most this year?

I’m looking forward to seeing friends and family, going on adventures, and generally feeling like I am able to exhale a bit. I think that for the past year, we’ve all been collectively holding our breath and it’s going to be nice to see everyone get a chance to be a little more free.

I’m personally looking forward to a new adventure in variety gaming and getting to focus more on games that I’ve been neglecting for years. And I’m also really looking forward to seeing where the content creation takes me next!

To find out more about FrankthePegasus, head on over to their Twitch channel.

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