Tuesday, April 1, 2025
DIGIPRIDE 2021Events

What’s this? It’s DIGIPRIDE 2021!

Following on from a hugely successful DIGIPRIDE 2020, we’re back back back again with a super-sized DIGIPRIDE 2021, presented by Xbox! Read on for all the info about what’s coming up from June through August across the Gayming Magazine world. 

DIGIPRIDE began last year as a response to the cancellation of in-person Pride events but this year has grown to be the highlight of the LGBTQ video game calendar as we celebrate queer gamer pride all summer long! 

DIGIPRIDE 2021 is presented by Xbox and sponsored by 2K, Mediatonic, SEGA, Sold Out Games and Wizards of the Coast. A huge thank you to these sponsors for supporting the LGBTQ+ gaming community and ensuring that we can offer you all of these events for free! 

Xbox UKI is honoured to support DIGIPRIDE, a great celebration of gaming’s passionate LGBTQI+ community. We see this as the perfect fit for our ethos that gaming really is for everyone, and that when we all play, we all win.

Charleyy Hodson, Social Media Manager and Events Lead at Xbox UKI

Check out all of the amazing content coming to you across DIGIPRIDE. Remember, DIGIPRIDE is three months long and what is listed below is just part of the line up – there’s still some big surprises and announcements to come! 

Alongside all of this, here on Gayming Magazine will be the usual daily articles and features, all with our signature queer twist, including some big interviews and exciting news! 

To keep up with everything DIGIPRIDE, visit www.gaymingmag.com/digipride 


Headlining DIGIPRIDE 2021 is Biqtch Puddin’, winner of Dragula Season 2 and inventor of the original digital drag show concept. She is back with a special Gayming themed digital drag show on June 25th. 

Keep your eye on Gayming Magazine and our socials to see who the lineup will be – it will be an amazing show! 


All panels will take place on Gayming Magazine’s Twitch channel

Queer Voices in Games Panel – June 9th

LGBTQ voice actors come together to talk about their work in games and the importance of representation. 

Starring: Tommie Earl Jenkins (Death Stranding), August Aiden Black (Tell Me Why), Valerie Lohman (Wolfenstein: Youngblood), Sarah Elmaleh (Gone Home & Gears 5) and CJ Strange (Borderlands 3).

Space Invaders: a queer history of video games – July 8th

Sacha Coward is an LGBTQ+ historian, a tour guide, escape room designer and long term videogame nerd. He has been exploring the story of queerness in video games throughout the history of the platform, exploring examples of the good, the bad, and the downright terrible! From the windswept plains of the Witcher to the Forests of Hyrule, join this talk for a live exploration of some of the key LGBTQ+ moments in gaming and an open discussion of where we are and where we are headed.

Stream Queens – July 28th

Five of the Stream Queens come together to talk about the impact of drag on the streaming world, how they have kept their audiences entertained during lockdown and where they see the world of digital drag going in the future. 

Staring: DEERE, Londyn Bradshaw, TwilightKing, Eve Elle Queen and MARISOLLords 

Queer Games Makers Panel – August 5th

LGBTQ game devs from around the world come together to talk about the work they do in representing the LGBTQ community in game and in the industry.

Queer Comics Panel – August 26th

LGBTQ comic writers, artists and superfans come together to talk about the growth in queer representation in the comic world. 

NYC Gaymers


We’ve partnered with NYC Gaymers on their new Pride-themed, 3-day event – the full name being Pride School Festival!! Return to Hokori High – Turbo Edition!. It will start on June 18 and run through to June 20th and is inspired by the spirit and joy of school festivals that people can see in their favourite anime. 

With this Pride Festival being virtual, the students – aka you gaymers out there – will be hanging out on the campus of Discord. Guests will be greeted and given a short orientation to make sure you get your bearings, and know your way around the school. Volunteers will also be available if assistance is needed, and of course if you’d like to participate as part of the ‘student council’, then you can also sign up. The best part is? All of this is completely free, no strings attached!

To find out more about Pride School Festival!! Return to Hokori High – Turbo Edition! or to enrol, then head on over to gaymers.nyc/psf-2021.


We’re working again with the fabulous Rainbow Arcade to bring you weekly DIGIPRIDE streams from their team members. 

Also, there will be six special DIGIPRIDE Let’s Play streams which will be extended plays of key games from our sponsors. You might find some special previews and surprises along the way, and some giveaways too! 


Across DIGIPRIDE, the Gayming Podcast Live will be supercharged with the appearance of special guests each episode from our wonderful sponsors offering you additional insight into their world and with some exciting gossip along the way! 


Each of our sponsors will be providing a mega bundle of prizes which will be up for grabs throughout the campaign. These competitions will come online throughout DIGIPRIDE and we’ll let you know when new ones launch. 

About The Author
