Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Streamer Spotlight

Streamer Spotlight: Granny

Welcome to a new Streamer Spotlight where this time, the spotlight falls on Granny!

It’s not often we feature an octogenarian in the pages of Gayming Magazine, but this humble sweet old lady steals our hearts with their streams of popular video games that the young people of today are enjoying.

How did such a sweet old lady get mixed up in the world of streaming? I had the pleasure of sitting down with Granny on the virtual verandah to sip metaphorical homemade lemonade and talk about the good old days.

Hey Granny, tell me when and why did you start streaming?

I started in mid-March 2019. Working in the finance sector in New York City led me to a serious burn out, and I knew whatever I did next would need to be something I truly cared about. So, I packed up and went to visit some Hobbits I have in the family, who have been kind enough to let me stay with them in New Zealand. During my recovery time I was playing a lot of Red Dead Online, and one thing that really made me happy was going on the proximity voice chat and making people laugh. After a while I plucked up the courage to get a camera for my PlayStation, set up a typewriter, and began my wee stream in the Hobbit Home!

What games do you prefer to stream?

Horror games! I absolutely love these because I would NEVER have the courage to play them by myself, yet I am curiously drawn to them. Having a lot of Grandkids watching along with you gives you the bravery to peek around that corner or open that creaky door. There’s something incredibly humorous about being scared out of your pearls and I enjoy the edge of your seat anticipation.

What can people expect from your stream?

To sum up the Chanel up in one sentence, it’s an unscripted children’s show for adults. There’s a very tight schedule, so you’ll always know when the channel is going live, however in terms of planning and format, there really isn’t any, which is a chaos I enjoy and leaves room for myself and others to wonder what is happening next. The only exception is Sundae Scaries, where we’ll play out the scariest single horror games we can find. 

How do you find being an out LGBT senior streamer?

Oh I love it! Since the beginning I’ve always said this Twitch Chanel is a place for EVERYONE. The only gatekeeping going on here is keeping the gate open.

I think it’s all too common for queer spaces to shun certain groups and to respond to inquiring outsiders with negativity. There is an important opportunity that a lot of these spaces forget, which is that when you respond with positivity and you lead by example, you not only show yourself and your community in a noble light, you open up a possibility for minds to change.

No matter who you are, where you’ve been, or where you’re going, you’re always going to have a place where you are welcome like family here.

What do you enjoy the most about streaming?

The difference you can make in someone’s life by just going live and being a familiar presence is something I never anticipated would be so appreciated. There’s a lot that goes into streaming, and what you get back is the sense you’re making a positive difference in the lives of others. I am very grateful for this to be my purpose in life, after feeling like I had no purpose at all just two years ago.

What have you learned about yourself through streaming?

I’ve learned that people respond to and follow examples of kindness and humor. There have been times where I’ve been approached by an aggressive viewer, or someone who has the intent to bring you down. In a lot of these cases, the negativity can be shut down immediately with a joke, a compliment, and sense of welcome despite what they might have said. Flip the script. Who knows what they must be going through in life to reach a point where they’re going on the world wide web to take out their anger on strangers. Be kind, you might just be surprised.

What would be the biggest piece of advice you could give to any young, queer whipper-snapper who wanted to start streaming? 

Don’t spend too much at the beginning, add things as you grow. Having a schedule will help you IMMENSELY, and hold yourself to it – don’t skip streams just because you don’t feel like it! Bring something unique about yourself to the channel, be the remarkable reason someone stops flicking through channels and stops on yours. 

Finally, one of my favorite anonymous quotes: “Your fear of looking stupid is holding you back”. You can give yourself all the excuses in the world as to why you haven’t started streaming yet. You’re just nervous. Being nervous is wonderful, it means you care.

You have caught the attention of some big personalities, how was it being noticed by Trixie Mattel?! 

Incredible. I could not believe it. Trixie has paved the way for unique queer digital content, and does it so well. Off-stream she’s been a wonderful support and gives golden advice. I’m very lucky to have someone like her believing in me and what I do.

Who else would you like to appear with? 

I’ve always wanted to be in a music video. Since being signed by TPAIN’s management this year, I’d say it would be an absolute scream to work with him on something.

Will we ever see Granny in the real world, once we can safely return to bars? 

Oo dear it’s rare for me to leave the Hobbit House these days, I’ve gotten so used to being comfortable inside with the typewriter and my TimTams, however I never say no to the threat of a good time, especially if there’s tin and gonics involved…

Away from streaming, what games are you currently playing? 

I’m really enjoying Outriders at the moment! Even though I play it on stream a lot, I’ll never get bored of playing Dead By Daylight with friends. I’m also a very capable Winston on Overwatch if you ever need a monkey scientist in your squad.

What game are you most looking forward to coming out this year? 

Resident Evil: Village. Lady Dimitrescu is an icon, she’s a legend, and she is the moment. Now come on now.

What does the future hold for you? 

I’m currently working on getting my American visa sorted so I can move back to NYC. After living there for eight and a half years the city really has become home, I miss it so much. I’m already scouting out a skyscraper with enough roof space for the Hobbit House. And the Chanel? There’s a lot more to come. I can’t wait to see where we all go from here.

To find out more about Granny, head on over to their Twitch channel.

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