PS5 April update adds cross-gen share play and enhanced customization
The PS5 April update – one of the very first major updates for Sony’s newest console – will be rolling out around the globe tomorrow.
While many of us still hunt across the internet to try and get their hands on a PS5, Sony hasn’t stopped tinkering and whirring to try and improve the newest console and make it the best it can be. With the PS5 April update, players will get new social features, as well as improvements to the console’s storage.
This information comes from the official PlayStation blog, which revealed that one major change coming to the PS5 would be the console’s storage expansion and management. To sum it up: players will now be able store their PS5 games on a compatible external USB. Unfortunately, you are still unable to play games from a USB extended storage.
What gets us jumping for joy, however, is the new social features for both the PS4 and PS5. The main feature being that of the cross-gen share play, which will finally allow PS4 and PS5 players to share play together – meaning PS4 players will be able to join and watch whatever game session their PS5 friend is playing.

You won’t be just restrained to watching, however. PS5 players (and vice versa) will be able to pass their controllers virtually, or even pass a second controller if you’re in the mood for a bit of co-op game action. Players will also be able to ask to join their gaming session, something which was blocked off for cross-gen friends before the update.
And finally, new, enhanced customization options for the PS5. Though don’t get too excited, it has nothing to do with the possibility of adding themes like you could on the PS4. That said, it isn’t all bad news. With the new PS5 April update tomorrow, players will notice that the Game Base Menu has been updated to allow for better and quicker access to their friends and existing parties.
Alongside this customization, you also have the following features, via the PlayStation Blog:
- Disable Game Chat or Adjust Players’ Volume – Disable in-game chat, which turns off your mic audio and the voice audio of other players. You can also adjust the individual voice chat volume of other players in the same chat, just like you can in applications like Discord.
- Game Update Pre-download – Once enabled by developers, title updates for games will pre-download to your console if the “automatic updates” setting is enabled and your console is on or in rest mode. No more will you have to wait hours for an update when you want to be playing!
- Customize Your Game Library – You now have the ability to search your library or hide games from view, – making it easier to find content and personalize your game library.
- Screen Zoom – Adjust the magnification of the screen to suit your preference from the Settings menu.
- New Trophy Settings and Stats Screen – The level of trophies that results in automatic capture of a screenshot or video clip can now be customized, meaning you can now choose to only capture and save images/videos of moments when you earn higher-grade trophies, like Gold or Platinum. PlayStation have also introduced a new player Trophy Stats screen, where you can check out the summary of your trophy level and status at a glance.
This is just one of the first major updates for the PS5, so we can’t wait to see what Sony has in store for the future.