Friday, March 14, 2025
Games NewsNews

A Long Journey to an Uncertain End successfully funds its Kickstarter

It’s official, A Long Journey to an Uncertain End, the queer space opera management game from Crispy Creative, has funded its Kickstarter.

In our review of the game, we described the sci-fi game as going against the grain of what we usually see in ‘space’ games. Instead of the typical rugged, white hero or heroine that goes forth into the future and travels alongside the stars, you instead play as an AI spaceship who is on the run. From who? Well, your ex. Another AI spaceship.

If that doesn’t get your interest then, well, we just don’t know what will.

As for the official A Long Journey to an Uncertain End Kickstarter, Crispy Creative was able to reach 135% of their goal, raking in $54,179 thanks to the help and funding from 1,291 contributors. Not only did they reach 100% with a few days to go, but the extra time meant that two of their stretch goals were met too.

The first goal three new planet types for you to explore in-game: chaos, spice, and gas giant. New places mean new people, and new people mean new quests! And let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to go explore a ‘spicy’ planet?

The other goal that was met was the addition of two new crew members. One being a robot, who we currently don’t know much about, and a mystery crewmember, who…we really don’t know much about either! It’s likely that more information will be revealed as the game develops. Until then, we can only speculate.

Regardless we’re excited to see what Crispy Creative does with this game and that, dear reader, is something we’re not uncertain about. To find out more about the game, check out its Kickstarter updates, or read about our own perspective of the game and whether it’s worth a look (spoilers: it is.)

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