Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Streamer Spotlight

Streamer Spotlight: Toph

Welcome to a new Streamer Spotlight where this time, the spotlight falls on Toph!

Toph is a Tokyo-based streamer where he lives with his dog Cookie. He’s a lover of Animal Crossing, Pokemon, and comfy indie games. He also hosts Content Crossing, a monthly AC themed podcast about life and content creation.

It was great to sit down with Toph to find out more about his journey into streaming and his love of anthropomorphic animals!

Robin: When and why did you start streaming?

Toph: I started streaming all the way back in September 2016. I had no idea what Twitch was up until that point but randomly came across it through a YouTuber who I really enjoyed watching. They were in the US so I could never watch them live so I’d often watch their VODs. They would stream Animal Crossing: New Leaf on the 3DS and it looked fun so I wanted to try it, too. Eventually I bought a mic and modded my 3DS and the rest is history!

What games do you prefer to stream?

I’ve gone through phases over the past 4 years but Animal Crossing has always been my main game. As I mentioned, I started as a New Leaf streamer and I’m now streaming New Horizons nearly everyday. However, I do occasionally dabble in Nintendo variety including Mario, Zelda, Splatoon, Pokemon, and more. And once a month I play cute, comfy indie games for a change of pace. Most recently we played Calico which was a lot of silly fun!

What can people expect from your stream?

I would say people can expect a comfy, chill stream. I’m not a terribly high energy streamer but I do focus a lot on community interaction and holding conversations about pretty much everything. It’s why I like games like AC. I’m able to keep up with chat easily and that’s what’s most important to me as a streamer. I want to make people feel seen the same way they make me feel seen.

You’re based in Tokyo, what took you there? 

Yes! I’ve been in Japan for around 7-8 years now. I came the first time as a high school student through a student ambassador program which was really eye-opening and made me see the country and the culture in a whole new light. Then I came back to study abroad while I was in university which allowed me to get a feel for what a more autonomous life in Japan was like which I ended up loving. After graduating I came back immediately and that’s that.

Where are you from originally? 

I’m from New York originally. Born and raised. I think I’ve lost my accent while living abroad but I’m told it comes out sometimes on stream.

You’re best known for streaming Animal Crossing, what do you like most about the game?

I like everything about it! I’ve been playing AC since the Gamecube days. Almost 18-19 years now. I’ve played every single game in the franchise including Pocket Camp, Amiibo Festival and Happy Home Designer. It’s just such a peaceful, cute series. It makes me happy. As a streamer though, as I mentioned above, I like that it allows me to chat easily with people as I play. Also, the AC community is just lovely!

What has been your favorite event so far in New Horizons? 

My favorite event in New Horizons so far is definitely Turkey Day. It was one of the more involved events and the furniture pieces are very usable. 

You’re the host of Content Crossing, a monthly Animal Crossing podcast, tell us about that?

Content Crossing is a podcast that takes place in Animal Crossing. I have my guests come over to my island and I interview them in a podcast room decorated differently each month to match a certain theme. There’s no webcam. Just our voices and the game screen with our AC characters. But the conversations aren’t about AC. They’re all centered around the guest’s content creation journey.

What inspired you to start a podcast about Animal Crossing?  

I guess I just wanted to think of a way I could continue streaming AC while adding a little something new to my streaming line-up. It was also a good way for me to reach out to content creator friends and collaborate with them in a way that wouldn’t disrupt what I normally do on my channel. As I said, I mostly do AC so it’s sometimes hard to come together with streamers.

What other games do you enjoy playing?

I love all kinds of games! I’m a huge JRPG fan. Shin Megami Tensei, Final Fantasy, Tales, and Golden Sun are some of my favorite series. I also play A LOT of Overwatch, Dead by Daylight and Genshin Impact on my off days. I think people are always surprised when I tell them I play non-Nintendo games!

How do you find being an out LGBTQ streamer?

It can be hard sometimes due to trolls and stuff like that. However, I wouldn’t change how I approach streaming as a queer content creator. I’m gay/demi and I’m very vocal about who I am. It’s important to be a voice and an example for others. I want people to know that you can be queer and be a gamer. You can be queer and be involved with content creation. If people are seeing me and feeling more comfortable with themselves, then I couldn’t be happier with what I’m doing on Twitch.

What’s your main goal as a streamer for the future?

That’s a good question! I’m not sure. I just enjoy streaming and I hope that I can continue to enjoy it for years to come. And if I can make more and more people happy along the way, all the better!

What do you enjoy the most about streaming?

The best part about streaming is definitely the community. Another reason I started streaming on Twitch was because living abroad can sometimes be lonely and isolating. I wanted to feel less alone. Now everytime I stream I feel like I’m at a social event or something. It’s great! Moreover, I can provide that company for people out there who might feel the same. It’s mutually beneficial.

What have you learned about yourself through streaming?

I learned that I’m a lot more deserving of love than I thought. My community is and has always been there for me. I’ve shared so much of who I am with them. Good and bad. I’ve been happy, angry, sad–you name it and I’ve probably gone through it on stream before. And yet, despite it all, my community makes me feel heard and seen and loved. It’s funny how something so deep came from me just playing video games on the internet.

What’s the game that defined your childhood?

It’s an obvious choice but the original Animal Crossing on Gamecube really defined a big part of my childhood and overall love for Nintendo. I was gaming long before GCN but the memories I have of that time are some of the most vivid. I remember thinking about going home and playing it with my brother everyday while at school. I’d rush home and watch my brother play while eating a big spoonful of sugar cookie dough before getting my turn. We played so much we had the 30k bell code memorized! Those are some of the best memories I have of me and my brother and of gaming. That’s why I’ve remained a loyal AC fan all these years.

What are you looking forward to most this year?

I’m looking forward to more AC updates of course! But also to play more indie games, introduce my community to more amazing streamers through my podcast, and raise money for more charities. Last year I raised funds for WWF Australia, LGBTQ Freedom Fund and Trans Lifeline, and I’m hoping to continue to raise even more this year!

To find out more about Toph, catch him streaming on his Twitch channel.

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