Friday, March 14, 2025
Games NewsNews

Meet Matias Vidala – A space-faring drag queen in A Long Journey to an Uncertain End

One of the most inspiring things about Crispy Creative’s space opera management game, is how it combines a mostly queer cast of space-faring misfits on the run, and sticks them all on one ship. The outcome is a lot of interesting people, and Matias Vidala is certainly one that sticks out in A Long Journey to an Uncertain End.

In the latest Kickstarter update, Creative Director Kylan Coats describes Matias as “larger than life, both in his broad stature, and his vivacious personality. A born performer, Matias has always struggled to strike the perfect balance between his bulky, barrel-chested outer appearance and his delicate inner diva.”

Matias’s drag queen persona is that of Gloria Borealis – a pyrotechnic performer that’s last show led to a lot of people wanting Matias’s beautiful diva self to face justice. So, of course the only answer to that is jump on a sentient spaceship and get out of dodge!

Despite being broad and beefy, Matias has been described as being “all bark, and no bite” and is overall considered very soft and sweet. We love a considerate queen, after all.

Much like the lesbian badass that’s Aylah Tress, Matias was based on a number of different people that Coats met throughout their life. One of the initial inspirations was a drag queen that actually performed at Coats wedding and was suffering from something we all do: the fear of growing old. Only, it wasn’t just a personal fear – it was the fear of not being able to keep up with the younger queens.

In A Long Journey to an Uncertain End, Matias is 44 years old and is considered ‘past the prime’ of what many people would think a performer to be. It’s complete nonsense, of course, but it plays a pivotal role in Matias’s eagerness to gain stardom.

To find out more about Matias, as well as support Crispy Creative and a team full of queer developers, check out A Long Journey to an Uncertain End’s Kickstarter.

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