Monday, March 17, 2025

The PS5 will display your game playtime statistics

If there’s one thing that we’ve always wanted, it’s the ability for us to be able to see how many hours we’ve played a video game. The Nintendo Switch has been excellent at letting us know just that, but now it’s been revealed that the PS5 will also have this feature, too.

This information comes from VG24/7, who pointed out that a variety of different reviews of the PS5 have revealed that the new console from Sony will include a playtime counter that’ll reveal how much time you’ve put into your games. Frankly, we’re both excited and fearful to find out how many hours we’ve put into games like Overwatch and Dead by Daylight… Surely it isn’t the 1000 mark?

Kidding aside, Gamespot noted that it isn’t just new games on the PS5 that’s getting playtime statistics – but older games too. You’ll also get to see when you last played the game, which is a nice feature to add if you want a reminder that you’ve not finished that 70 hour Dragon Age playthrough you spent so much time on.

Overall this is a nice feature to add, though it hasn’t yet been confirmed whether friends are able to see how long you’ve played, or if this playtime statistic is only available for your eyes only. Hopefully answers will come soon when the PS5 arrives on November 12th and November 19th.

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