Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Games NewsNews

Spider-Man Remastered gets a new Peter Parker face model

Wow, who knew that if you waited long enough for the next generation to come round, you’d have the opportunity to have a brand new face? At least, that’s what I assume was the thinking behind the change of Peter Parker’s face in the recently revealed Spider-Man Remastered.

The original face of Peter Parker was that of John Bubniak, a film actor known from his work in Girls, Barry and Storm. According to the PlayStation blog post that revealed the change, the reason for replacing Bubniak they wanted a better match for Yuri Lowenthal’s voice capture. Step in, Ben Jordan – a model and actor.

Here’s what the original Peter Parker and this new one looks like, just for comparison purposes.

If we’re being honest, we find it a little odd to change the character face – even for a remastered version of Spider-Man. But considering Tom Holland is the most recent Spider-Man, we do see some similarities between the two of them. Of course, if they wanted a Spider-Man that looked more like Holland, maybe Holland himself would have been the best pick?

In the PlayStation blog reveal, they revealed just how to get the new Spider-Man Remastered. Don’t worry, it’s simple. Sorta.

In the meantime, which Peter Parker do you prefer? Let us know in the comments below.

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2 thoughts on “Spider-Man Remastered gets a new Peter Parker face model

  • New Pete looks nice but younger, in this game he’s supposed to not be that fresh on his heroic life. Anyway, he’s really cute so no complainments

  • Both are cute, but I will go with original look from PS4 version, not that I care too much about it as I’m PC gamer hehe

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