Monday, February 17, 2025
DIGIPRIDE20PodcastsSocial Gayming

The Gayming Podcast – PAX Panel Special

Gayming Magazine was invited to take part in a panel as part of PAX Community Con – a Discord-based stand-in run by PAX community fans.

Titled “Lessons Learned from Creating LGBTQ+ Communities”, the panel was hosted by Mevin from Boston Gaymers and he was joined by Robin (Gayming Magazine), Cerberus (LGBTQ+ Lounge Discord) and Lombax (Gay Geeks community). 

Discord, online magazines and other social media has brought cities, regions, and the world closer together through gaming events and online communities. LGBTQ+ Communities have grown from small groups just meeting once every few months to ones that range in the hundreds to thousands. It has been a long road for many of these communities and they have had a variety of experiences.

The members of each organisation briefly shared their experience with their communities and then expanded into a group talk with Q&A from the live audience on Discord and Twitch.

Thanks to Boston Gaymers, LGBTQ+ Lounge and Gay Geeks for permitting the use of this audio for this The Gayming Podcast Special! 

Listen to the full episode below, as well as on Spotify, Stitcher and Apple Podcasts. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!

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