Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Star Wars Battlefront 2 made me fall in love with Star Wars again

If there’s one thing you’ve got to know about me and Star Wars, we’ve got a love/hate relationship. As a kid, I used to play the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 on my PS2 with my cousin, giggling at our complete lack of competence as we did anything but the objective. Back then, Star Wars was just a place where heroes versus villains, good versus evil, was black and white for my youthful self.

Now that I’ve grown up, I’ve felt the disappointment at knowing that Star Wars is still far behind in a lot of ways, that this fantastical world, at least in cinema, still fails its marginalized voices and characters. It’s getting better, but god, does it still feel like a snails pace. It’s this part of Star Wars that I can’t help but dislike to my core. I can only hope the new era, High Republic, is different.

Yet, despite these cold feelings, there’s a part of me that will always love Star Wars unconditionally. Last night, as I finished downloading Star Wars Battlefront 2 and jumped into a game with my friends, I felt that overwhelming love rear it’s head.

To put it simply: Star Wars Battlefront 2 may have started on shaky legs, but it ends standing strong with an incredible cast of characters — both in single and multiplayer — and fun, engaging modes that are absolutely thrilling. One of the first things that got my friends to say ‘wow, this game is something special’ is when we played as the Resistance on the planet Crait. Running out of that tunnel, to see those gigantic Walkers coming our way? Breathtaking. Considering a lot of my friends are not fans of Star Wars by any means, it was a reward in itself to hear that they would give the series a try.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is now available – for free – on PS Plus. Don’t miss out, especially if you’re after a new game that all your friends can enjoy together.

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