Kimberly Hart gets her own solo mission in Ranger Slayer #1
Boom Studios is four years deep into its rebooted Power Rangers comic book series. Just as it’s doing with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, writers are bringing beloved characters into the modern world by adapting their stories for deeper story-lines and current themes.
The Pink Ranger, Kimberly Hart, holds a special place in queer culture. She was a typical, beautiful teenage girl who was given the ability to save the world through wild, alien technology. Often portrayed as only a sidekick to the Red Ranger, Kimberly also caused teens around the world to discover their sexuality. Young boys wanted to date her, or be her so they could date her boyfriend. And young girls wanted to date her, or be her so they could date her boyfriend. Many gay Power Rangers fans have cited Kimberly as one of the influences that defined their adolescent fantasies.
That’s why it’s so important that Boom Studios is giving her a one-shot special issue titled Power Rangers: Ranger Slayer #1. Recently announced at the 14th Annual ComicsPRO, the issue will see release in June 2020 by series writer Ryan Parrott and Once Future’s artist Dan Mora.
BoomStudios summarizes the issue as: “The Ranger Slayer – AKA Kimberly Hart, the Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger from the alternate universe once ruled by Lord Dakkon – returns home and nothing is like she expected. In a world that only knows her as a villain, can Kimberly show her universe that she’s become a hero…and is that even the right thing to do? Confronted by an old foe in a terrifying new form and finding her home in chaos, Kimberly will make a stunning choice that no Power Rangers fan can miss.”
Power Rangers: Ranger Slayer #1 will be physically available in all comic book shops across the country and online for download in all major e-shops.