Here are all the gay Male Byleth romance options
With the last of the DLC for Fire Emblem Three Houses now officially out, the well-acclaimed RPG, strategy game won’t be receiving any more new characters. This means that all the characters and love options that you have at the moment? That’s final. So, what are the options for those of us who are playing a gay Male Byleth?
Gay Male Byleth players were shafted — and not in a good way — when they were given less options than a lesbian Female Byleth. When the game was first released, they only had one real option: a sleepy, Crest-scholar named Lindhardt. There is nothing wrong with Lindhardt, but compared to the options of Edelgard, an actual Lord, Dorothea, Rhea, Mercedes and Sothis? Having one option was just downright unfair.
What made it worse was that there were other options for Male Byleth, but they were all platonic or one of these men already had a wife. This was just downright insulting.
Since then, however, two male options have been added for gay Male Byleth players. It’s still far from perfect, but perhaps — at the very least — a step in the right direction.
Here are all the gay options for Male Byleth players and no, we won’t be including the fake-out options.
Linhardt von Hevring

Lindhardt is an extremely sleepy, scholar-type who is in The Black Eagles house. You can recruit him into the Golden Deer and Blue Lion House, and is a prominent party member in the Ashen Wolves DLC.
If you’re looking for angst, Lindhardt may not be the right guy for you. He cares a lot about studying, but his drowsiness prevents him from going as far as he’d like. That said, he does care a lot about Byleth and his S-Support, as well as Goddess Tower event, is incredibly sweet.

Jeritza starts off as one of the other teachers in Garreg Mach Monastery, making him one of the only love interests for Byleth that are near enough the same age as them. Jeritza is also, uh, a bit peculiar.
Unlike Lindhardt however, he has angst in spades and if you’re interested in getting with a guy who has some similarities to Edward Cullen, then this is the fella for you.
Jeritza can only be romanced if you choose the Black Eagles and side with Edelgard.
Yuri Leclerc

Yuri is the newest contender for Male Byleth’s heart, thanks to the Ashen Wolves expansion. Like Linhardt, he can be recruited into the Black Eagles, Blue Lions and Golden Deer. Unlike Lindhardt, he is a bit of a rascal, without the whole ‘murderous being’ thing that Jeritza has going on.
The only downside of Yuri is that you’ll need to own and complete the Ashen Wolves DLC in order to gain access to him and the other Ashen Wolves members. It sucks, and feels very ‘pay-to-be-gay’, but trust us when we say Yuri is the best gay romance in the game and is well worth your time.
Actually, I like Yuri. I haven’t completed the DLC yet, but it may be an incentive to start another playthrough with a male Byleth of the main game.