Saturday, March 15, 2025
Games News

Need for Speed: Heat’s Roshni revs for our team

For it being the twenty-fourth entry in the Need for Speed series, Need for Speed: Heat debuted to rave reviews and phenomenal sales this past November. Developed by Ghost Games and published by Electronic Arts (EA) under the direction of Riley Cooper, Heat commemorates the series’ 25th Anniversary while delivering more races, cop chases and street-side destruction than any gaymer could ever hope for. But there’s one other reason why we should embrace this title: it has one of Need for Speed’s first completely out characters.

Roshni is a supporting character who needs your help early in the game. Once you secure her friendship, she calls you up wondering if you can introduce her to your mechanic’s sister, Ana. Roshni is enjoying “living off the grid,” but would love a date with Ana to keep her busy. Your avatar, whether you choose male or female, supports the idea and wishes Roshni the best of luck in her budding romance with Ana. You can listen to the whole conversation in the video below. It’s a cute, schoolyard moment that makes Need for Speed: Heat just a little more wholesome.

Heat has also been applauded by LGBT gamers for its character customization settings when you begin your four-wheel adventure. Now without designs that are 100% masculine and 100% feminine, transgender players are especially happy with this ability because it gives them the opportunity to truly create an avatar that fits their personality, with every unique feature and relate-able style. I never thought I’d see queer culture and acceptance represented in a game like Need for Speed: Heat, but I’m glad it finally happened!

Of course, comments online are a mix of support, neutrality and the typical “keep this shit out of video games!” nonsense. However, the game is already released and you can’t erase what’s already done. So, if you’re not a fan of seeing LGBT representation in your games, simply don’t play this one and stop raining on someone’s gay pride parade.

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