Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Merch of the Week: Harley Quinn TUBBZ

With this Merch of the Week, Gayming Magazine have no choice but to point to a new item from Numskull once again. After all, with Birds of Prey appearing in cinema this February, the only way to celebrate it in style is with a Harley Quinn TUBBZ.

What are TUBBZ, you ask? Well, these rubber duckies are your favourite video game/tv/movie characters brought to life by being a cosplaying duck. Aw, isn’t that quacking adorable?

Duck puns aside, Harley Quinn is one of our favourite DC villains, and we’re very much looking forward to Birds of Prey. It came under scrutiny by a few so-so’s on the internet about the cast not being attractive enough to straight men, which made every queer woman and queer man sigh in a mixture of disgust and confusion.

But regardless, what better time to get a Harley Quinn duckie but now? Birds of Prey won’t be complete without it, though we can’t help but wonder if maybe Numskull might do a Birds of Prey edition. If we ask extra nicely, of course…

Until then, check out the Harley Quinn TUBBZ for yourself.

Last week we celebrated another Numskull item with SuperEpic, the week before with Overwatch and the week before that with some amazing video game stamps.

Which one was your favourite? Let us know in the comments below.

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