Friday, March 14, 2025

I bought Smash Bros Ultimate solely for Byleth

When Byleth was officially revealed to be joining the roster in Smash Bros Ultimate, I felt a wave of excitement that I hadn’t felt since the last time I hyper-fixated on something. Despite the controversy surrounding Fire Emblem Three Houses, it was my game of the year and I very much loved the story, characters, and gameplay.

I’m by no means a Smash fan, but I have played the game before with friends and know my way around. The hype leading up to this new Smash was also pretty intoxicating, but not enough for me to jump on the bandwagon and purchase the game.

That changed immediately when Byleth got announced. Both I and my best friend were very hyped at seeing a character we dearly loved. More than that, it included background characters like Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude and others that we wanted to see again, even if not in the original game.

Smash Bros Ultimate

Does that make me less of a fan? Well, not really, but I’m sure people on the internet will disagree. I’m certainly not as upset as other Smash fans about there being yet another Fire Emblem character. But I can understand why they’re upset.

But, for once, this doesn’t affect me at all and I just want to be a gay disaster about Byleth in peace.

Let me gasp and be in awe over these idiots. Just look at my beautiful children, not only do they look fantastic and have a variety of different moves that look fun to play, but I also can’t wait to beat Donkey Kong to a pulp with them. Because screw that guy.

Fire Emblem’s Byleth will be joining the Super Smash Bros Ultimate roster on January 28th.

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