Saturday, March 15, 2025

Our Top 10 Games from EGX 2019

EGX 2019 was one hell of a show for both Ed and I. There were a lot of amazing games, people and stalls that we couldn’t help but gush over. Of course, it’s the games that matter most and we’re very excited to tell you just what our Top 10 games from EGX 2019 were.

Some of these games may surprise you, as we were both very keen to check out the indies section of EGX, which isn’t always people’s go-to place at a convention like this. Even so, we do hope that our list will help you in deciding just which games to buy this 2019, or even for next year.

Without further ado, here’s our Top 10 games from EGX.

Luigi’s Mansion 3 (Ed)

This is Nintendo at their finest, with polished, creative gameplay and an adorable style. This time around Luigi has an expanded moveset and is joined by Gooigi, a green jelly clone who can slide through spikes and grates to access new areas.

With its mix of puzzle-solving combat, diverse themed levels, and cute animation, Luigi’s Mansion 3 looks gorgeous and feels great to play. Oh, and you can pet the ghost dog, too.

Moving Out (Aimee)

Moving Out is a delightful, quirky game about, you guessed it, moving out! Only, just like Team17’s Overcooked, you’ll be moving around a ton of things like boxes, furniture, etc under varying circumstances. This could mean in an intersection filled with racing cars, and even over hilltops.

With it’s fast, dynamic controls and bubbly slapstick physics, it’s hard not to find joy in playing it. Just please put it on Switch, too.

Final Fantasy VII Remake (Ed)

The short demo was combat-focused, giving us a good taste of what the real-time battles will feel like in this remake of the 1996 classic. Sleek and bombastic, with plenty of fancy effects and animations, this is a stunning game to behold with combat full of depth.

The detail in the character models is exquisite – seeing them brought to life how we always imagined them in our heads is hitting all the right nostalgia notes. Now just give us Cloud in drag!

Kakarot (Aimee)

Surprising nobody, I stayed in line for Kakarot for a long time. There was originally no line, but this was actually one of the more popular games when I visited. And why wouldn’t it be? An RPG that tells the story of Dragon Ball Z, with a few embellishments, sounds like game of the year material to me.

It certainly delivers too, with it’s fun, brightly-colored world and excellent combat. This is definitely going to be a Dragon Ball game everyone will remember.

Eastward (Ed)

This top-down action RPG from Pixpil Games presents a beautiful steampunk pixel world in colourful pastel shades. Its retro SNES vibe has elements of Zelda and the Mana series, with a story that sees you playing as both the frying pan-wielding John and young girl Sam as they fight enemies and solve puzzles in a decaying world.

Gameplay has a co-op feel as you switch between characters, the script is full of quirky humour, and the chiptune music is super catchy.

Your Grace (Aimee)

Yes Your Grace EGX 2019

Imagine you’re in charge of a whole kingdom, and that every little thing you do causes ripples that may end with people hating you and wishing for your head. Oh, and you have to look after your family too.

Well, imagine no longer. Because that is Your Grace in a nutshell. Though don’t get confused, there’s a choice for everything but there isn’t always a right one.

Röki (Ed)

This Scandi fairytale from Polygon Treehouse is wonderfully atmospheric, thanks largely to its minimalist modern soundtrack and sound design. You’ll come across weird and wonderful creatures in this beautiful, snowy world like trolls and wolves, collecting and combining items to complete puzzles.

Beneath it all is a sense of deep melancholy that, with its gorgeous animated style, gives us a Moomin vibe and plenty of chills.

Marvel Avengers (Aimee)

If someone had told me that a game about the Avengers would be part of my top 10 games, I’d have laughed. But no, despite some concerns, the Avengers by Square Enix is actually a game I’ll be looking to snatch up when it releases in 2020.

Its cast is beautiful, the game’s combat looks solid if the combat tree is anything to go by, and we’re more than happy to see a game that doesn’t revolve around the ‘big bad’ Ultron.

Streets of Rage 4 (Ed)

The original Streets of Rage games on the Mega Drive are amongst the best on the console. So, to see a sequel some twenty-odd years later is a nostalgic treat. The game is reminiscent of another Mega Drive release, Comix Zone, with its flat visuals that look like a moving comic book.

The co-op gameplay is pleasingly old school, and new character Cherry fits in nicely alongside the sassy Blaze, and macho daddy Axel as she punches bad guys and smacks them over the head with a guitar. Let’s just hope the soundtrack is as good as the originals, too.

Table Manners (Aimee)

Table Manners

Table Manners is a game about a concept that is fairly similar to most people around the world. That concept is dating, which can often mean going out for coffee, bowling or if you’re feeling very brave, eating at a restaurant.

That’s daunting enough, but in Table Manners you’ll need to try and pour wine, eat and potentially put out fires, while being as clumsy as a giraffe on crack. It’s well worth it though, and if you like slapstick humour then Table Manners is definitely a game to keep an eye on.

For a more analytical look at the games we’ve mentioned, check out our previews here on Gayming Magazine. If there’s any we missed, you can also contact us on Twitter and Facebook.

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