Wednesday, March 12, 2025

6 other names for the PlayStation controller X button

The PlayStation controller has a problem, and by a problem we mean that PlayStation has named it wrong, despite everyone else in the world knowing it’s 100% accurate-completely-correct name.

That’s right. For some reason or other, PlayStation have decided to share with us that the X button on the PlayStation controller (pronounced ‘EX’) is actually called Cross (pronounced ‘absolute rubbish’).

Yet despite this disbelief from many a gamer, PlayStation went on further to dig their blade into everyone’s back by posting the following tweet.

It’s enough to make your blood boil, isn’t it?

In retaliation, because I’m petty and crave validation, I’ve decided to tell you all six other things to call your X button on your PlayStation controller, that isn’t ‘cross’.

The Jump Button

Get it? Because of Jump Force?

The title says it all.

If you can jump in a game, it’s almost guaranteed to be fixed to the X button. Unless you’re my friend Kelly, who always connects it to her circle button for a reason that still hasn’t been explained to me in a way that I can understand.

I hate it. Please only use X for your jump button, gaymers.

The B Button

Ah the B Button, ye have served me so much pain.

I mostly play on my PS4 or my Nintendo Switch, and yet, without fail, I mess up what means ‘confirm’ on each console every single time I go on it.

This has led to me canceling games that I’m in halfway through, as well as blowing people up when I’ve meant to be jumping over them. I’ve had these two consoles for years and I still do it.

Why couldn’t Nintendo just put the X button where it was supposed to be and save us all a bit of trouble?

The Smooch Button

Cullen is bi in our hearts, BioWare.

‘Kiss button’ doesn’t sound as romantic, alright?

I play a lot of role-playing games, especially those with romance options because I love my pixel wives and husbands equally. In Dragon Age: Origins, you get the option to kiss your love interest no matter where you are.

How do you do that? By pressing the X button, of course!

The annoy your friends with your choices Button

Friendships are either made or broken with multiplayer.

My friends and I have a love-hate relationship with any kind of FPS multiplayer. For that reason, we play a lot of Apex Legends or Overwatch and well, some of us get a little salty.

The best way to ease that tension is to make your friends 100% mad at something that isn’t how badly the game is going. Which usually means clicking that you’re ready to play the game, and then, at the very last second, clicking off again.

Your friends will threaten to murder you horrifically, but their pleas will make it all worth it in the end.

Aww, friendship!

The Jason Button

I have no regrets

Oh come on, you had to know this was coming.

Heavy Rain has affected us all in many ways, whether it was positive or not is up to…uhh how little you cared about the disturbing sex scene between Ethan and Madison.

But it also gave life to many memes.

Press X to Jason being my favourite.

Anything but the Cross Button

Playstation Controller

To quote a friend of mine: if I see anyone calling the X button the cross button then I’m going to get cross – with you!

Look, we should rarely listen to the internet. But sometimes, only sometimes, the internet can be right.

Interested in hearing more about our opinions? Check out why we think Squall is a complete twink – and why that’s okay.

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