Tuesday, March 4, 2025

BioWare celebrates Dragon Age Day 2022 in style

Dragon Age Day is a special day for fans of the beloved fantasy series from BioWare, and not just because of the potential for more news about the upcoming Dragon Age: Dreadwolf (DA:D for short!) It’s a day of celebration, originally started by fans in an effort to contribute to charity before BioWare themselves made it official. Each year something new about Dragon Age comes out, whether it’s a short story, artwork, or trailer, and Dragon Age Day 2022 was no exception to this.

With no confirmed release date on when to expect Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, the next big thing for the fantasy series is the upcoming Netflix animated drama, Dragon Age: Absolution. The team at BioWare only had a few screenshots to share about the series, but considering that the show is out this week? The less fans know, the better.

You can see the official screenshots for yourself over on BioWare’s Dragon Age Day blog page.

BioWare also shared a new short story during the celebration – ‘As We Fly’ by Lukas Kristjanson – and a beautiful piece of artwork that showcases all of the incredible companions throughout Dragon Age: Origins and right up til Dragon Age: Inquisition. And, if you didn’t see it already, Dragon Age players can even find some wearables over on The Sims 4.

As the original, unofficial Dragon Age Day celebration mostly focused their efforts on contributing to charity, the team have also done the same this year. Fans have previously donated money earned to charities such as AbleGamers, Legal Defense Fund, and Child’s Play. This year they’ve partnered with the Trans Empowerment Project, a non-profit that focuses on supporting and helping the trans community out of crisis and “into empowerment”. TEP wishes to educate allies, empower their community, and ensure everyone within the LGBTQIA+ community thrives.

Currently the Tiltify page, which allows the team to collect donations, is still online and open to monetary support. BioWare have stated that they are also “glad to help support this work with contributions of their own.”

Not content to end Dragon Age Day 2022 with nothing less than a bang, the team at BioWare also released a new video featuring fan-favourite character Varric Tethras and the Dread Wolf himself, Solas, aka Fen’Harel.

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