Monday, February 24, 2025

I Was A Teenage Exocolonist Romance Guide – How to romance everyone on Vertumna

With a name like I Was A Teenage Exocolonist, you’d be forgiven for thinking Northway Games’s sci-fi RPG will focus solely on trying to build a life for the colony of Vertumna, making it impossible for romance. After all, who has time for love when you’re too busy trying to make sure you and your friends and family can survive?

But as it turns out, that’s far from the case. The game prides itself on straddling the line between complete emotional devastation and the determination of hoping for a better tomorrow. With such strong feelings being pulled from the player, it’s not hard to see why I Was A Teenage Exocolonist would include romance in their space adventure.

I Was A Teenage Exocolonist Romance Guide – How to romance everyone on Vertumna

There are 10 romance options available, with four of them only opening up to you after you reach 15-years old in-game. These romance options are Sym, Vace, Nomi-Nomi, and Rex. The other romance options you meet are your childhood friends. They are: Marz, Anemone, Tangent, Tammy, Dys, and Cal.

You can romance multiple individuals (if both consent to it), or you can choose not to romance anyone at all. All you have to do is avoid flirty options and people will move on. There’s no hard feelings involved, and that goes for splitting up with your partner if you feel like they aren’t the one for you.

Each character has their own set of interests and jobs, meaning you’ll need to know which areas improve your friendship with them, as well as which skills you should probably care about if you want a chance to get to know your companions on a more intimate level.

That’s where we come in. Below we’ve listed each romance options birthday, likes, dislikes, and where they fall on their personal profile sliders, though some are incomplete until we finish their romance route.

It should also be noted that your gender and sexual identity does not affect who you can and can’t romance in I Was A Teenage Exocolonist.

I Was A Teenage Exocolonist romance

Marz is a lady of high maintenance and demands that are longer than the length of your arm. Despite this, she has a huge heart and cares for her friends. Even if it is by gently bullying them.

Her personal profile describes Marz as a “fierce and firey girl with big dreams of success. Loves to be in charge, so don’t get in her way” and her pronouns are she/her. Marz’ personal sliders also put her as an outspoken socialist who shies in between being loyal to the colony and rebelling.

Further information about Marz is listed below:

  • Augment: Shameless
  • Birthday: Early Wet
  • Likes: Yellow Flowers / Crystal Clusters
  • Dislikes: Medicinal Roots
  • Relationship: Dating you / interested in Rex and/or Tangent
  • Best Skills To Have: Persuasian / Organization

Anemone is a take-no-shit kinda girl who is energetic and loves to play sports. She’s fiercely protective of her family, and once you have her loyalty, you’ll have it for life.

Anemone’s personal profile describes her as an “energetic girl who loves sports. Stubbornly loyal to her friends and the colony” and her pronouns are she/her. Anemone’s personal sliders put her as an energetic, but serious woman who is loyal to the colony.

Further information about Anemone is listed below:

  • Augment: Armor-scaled skin
  • Birthday: Early Dust
  • Likes: Red Xeno Eggs
  • Dislikes: Crystal Clusters
  • Relationship: Dating you / Dating Vace
  • Best Skills To Have: Combat / Toughness / Bravery
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist romance

Tangent (also known as Tang) is a reserved and guarded woman who prides herself on being smarter than everyone else. She relishes in the science field and often goes out of her way to make sure she can improve herself and her work. She has issues with her brother, Dys.

Tangent’s personal profile describes her as a “studious and mature girl, often too busy to play with the others. Devoted to helping the colony thrive via science”. Her pronouns are she/her. The sliders of her personal profile put Tangent as stoic and intelligent individual, with no loyal or rebellious feelings towards the colony of Vertumna.

Further information about Anemone is listed below:

  • Augment: Reduced sleep
  • Birthday: Late Wet
  • Likes: Yellow Flowers / Medicinal Roots
  • Dislikes: Mushwood Log
  • Relationship: Dating you / Interest in Marz
  • Best Skills To Have: Reasoning / Biology / Engineering
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist romance

Dys is the brother of Tangent, and is known for his sullen and depressing outlook on life in Vertumna. He often clashes with the more outspoken kids like Marz, but when you catch him on his own Dys shows a real passion for exploration and art.

Dys personal profile describes him as a “withdrawn boy, a loner and awkward around other people. Often sneaks away to who knows where”. His pronouns are he/him. The sliders of his personal profile put Dys as a rebellious, adventurous, and wild individual.

Further information about Dys is listed below:

  • Augment: Feels no fear
  • Birthday: Late Wet
  • Likes: Medicinal Roots / Secret Device
  • Dislikes: Cake
  • Relationship: Dating you / Interest in Sym
  • Best Skills To Have: Bravery / Perception / Animals
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist romance

Cal is a bright kid who wears his heart on his sleeve. He spends most of his time working the animals on the farmland, as well as doing his best to make sure the colony of Vertumna can eat. He likes getting his hands dirty, and he has an easy-going nature that makes him instantly likeable.

Cal’s personal profile describes him as a “physically strong boy who isn’t afraid to get in touch with his emotions. Pacifist, loves animals.” His pronouns are he/him. The sliders of his personal profile put Cal as a tough, but peaceful man, who is loyal to the colony of Vertumna.

Further information about Cal is listed below:

  • Augment: Heat/cold tolerant
  • Birthday: Late Dust
  • Likes: Blue Bobberfruits / Red Xeno Eggs / Cakes
  • Dislikes: ???
  • Relationship: Dating you / Dating Tammy
  • Best Skills To Have: Toughness / Animals / Biology
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist romance

Tammy is an incredibly shy, but loving young woman who sees the good in every one she meets. Because of this, she can be delicate and her confidence is easily shaken. Still, as long as you put the effort in to getting to know her, Tammy will repay that in kind. She’s also the only character to get you something each and every time it’s your birthday.

Tammy’s personal profile describes her as a “sweet, down to earth girl who prefers to stay close to home and care for others. Honest and unselfconscious”. She also goes by she/her pronouns. The sliders of her personal profile put Tammy as a shy, homebody who is deeply loyal to Vertumna’s colony.

Further information about Tammy is listed below:

  • Augment: Enhanced hearing
  • Birthday: Late Pollen
  • Likes: Cakes
  • Dislikes: ???
  • Relationship: Dating you / Dating Cal
  • Best Skills To Have: Empathy / Creativity / Persuasion

Cat boys are out, and dog boys are in! Rex is a tall, lean boy from Helio that you’re introduced to in your later years. Unlike a lot of the others – who are strict and combat-driven – Rex just wants to get to know you and have a good time. To get on his good side, you’ll need to give him plenty (and we do mean plenty) of cuddles.

Rex’s personal profile describes him as an “adorable boy from the Heliopause. More interested in flirting than working, but he’s fun to be around”. His pronouns are he/him, and the sliders of his personal profile put him as a highly energetic young man who likes to have fun.

Further information about Rex is listed below:

  • Augment: Dog ears
  • Birthday: Early Pollen
  • Likes: Mushwood Logs
  • Dislikes: ???
  • Relationship: Dating you / Dating Marz
  • Best Skills To Have: Empathy / Creativity / Bravery

Nomi-Nomi is another kid from the Heliopause that you meet during your later years in-game. They and Rex are best of friends and don’t exactly fit in well with the military-focused Heliopause. Nomi-Nomi is creative, and likes to express themselves through art and telling stories.

Nomi-Nomi’s personal profile describes them as a “quirky non-binary kid from the Heliopause”. Their pronouns are they/them.

Further information about Nomi-Nomi is listed below:

  • Augment: ???
  • Birthday: Mid Dust
  • Likes: Crystal Clusters
  • Dislikes: Medicinal Roots
  • Relationship: Dating you
  • Best Skills To Have: Engineering / Empathy / Creativity

Vace is another kid from the Heliopause, though unlike Rex and Nomi-Nomi, he revels in the military might that runs rampant and shapes the Helio’s culture. Tough and stubborn, Vace prides himself on being the bravest and strongest in the whole colony, but he has a manipulative streak to him that can make you wonder if he is your friend or foe.

Vace’s personal profile describes him as a “tough, serious older boy from the Heliopause” and his pronouns are he/him.

Further information about Vace is listed below:

  • Augment: ???
  • Birthday: Mid Wet
  • Likes: Strange Devices / Cake
  • Dislikes: Yellow Flowers / Blue Bobberfruits
  • Relationship: Dating you / Dating Anemone
  • Best Skills To Have: Combat / Toughness / Bravery
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist Romance

Sym is the most mysterious romance option in I Was A Teenage Exocolonist, and can easily be missed depending on how you decide to build your protagonist. If you never leave to go out on expeditions, you’ll never meet him. A shame too, as he has lived for over 1000 years and is an important piece of the puzzle that is Vertumna.

Sym’s personal profile describes him as a “mysterious man who appears when you need him most.” His pronouns are he/him, and only by going out on expeditions can you discover more about him.

Further information about Sym is listed below:

  • Augment: ???
  • Birthday: ???
  • Likes: Everything
  • Dislikes: Nothing
  • Relationship: Dating you / Interest in Dys
  • Best Skills To Have: Combat / Perception / Persuasion

These are all of the romance options in I Was A Teenage Exocolonist. We’ll be updating this guide as we continue to work through the many different endings and routes.

I Was A Teenage Exocolonist is now available to play on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC.

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