Thursday, March 13, 2025

Rockstar removes transphobic content in Grand Theft Auto V re-release

The next-gen release of Grand Theft Auto V has had its transphobic content removed following the pleading of Out Making Games, an LGBTQ+ networking group based in the UK.

Last year Out Making Games called on Rockstar to remove the offending material from the next-gen release of Grand Theft Auto V, citing websites like Kotaku on how the portrayal of trans NPCs and characters play into “extremely harmful stereotypes of trans and gender diverse people” in an effort to encourage players to hurt them and even kill them. It should be noted that Grand Theft Auto is not exactly known for being friendly to anyone who isn’t cis, white, male and straight. However this particular content was first released back in 2013, a very different world from 2022 where trans people and the trans community have become targets by some of the most powerful people in the world.

The content in question is the removal of NPCs that are labelled as “drag queens” within the game, and “transvestite” in the game’s files. This was found out via KirstyCloud, a fan of the game as well as an admin on a GTA community website, GTANet. Alongside the removal of these NPCs, there is also an advert inside a store that featured an advertisement of a toy that came with “interchangeable genitalia” – this too has been removed. This includes content from the online component of the game, also.

“In new-gen GTAV/GTAO, Rockstar appear to have disabled the trans caricatures or “drag queens” from spawning outside Cockatoos. This could be following a plea from OutMakingGames last year.” KirstyCloud wrote on Twitter. “I hope this provides comfort to anyone who felt these NPCs depicted harmful stereotypes.”

Harmful and transphobic dialogue from the Grand Theft Auto V protagonist, often referring to the NPCs transitioning and life revolving “pre-op” has also seemingly been removed.

In a Twitter thread response to KirstyCloud’s tweets, a non-binary fan of the Grand Theft Auto V discussed the importance of removing the content and how it related to the world today.

“I wish it didn’t have to be this way, but in a world where trans people are constantly scrutinised, made fun of, and had legislative changes that hurt them (Recent conversation therapy ban excluding trans people) – It makes sense. Even if for a temporary amount of time.”

In a tweet, Out Making Games said they are “thrilled” at the removal of the transphobic content.

The re-release of Grand Theft Auto V on Xbox Series X/S and the PS5 now available to purchase.

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