Friday, March 14, 2025

Feathery Ears is a big eyeful of nothingness

Even though Feathery Ears is on sale this week, obviously the goal of spending any amount of money is to feel your purchase was worth it. Having played this game for an hour, and really I don’t think there’s any amount of time that could save this title, I’m going to file this experience under do not recommend.

Feathery Ears is a collection based, 2D platformer developed by Sayuri Artsy and published by Eager Passion LLC. It was originally released on PC and Steam back in November 2019 before debuting on Nintendo Switch on 8 May 2020. Clearly drawing some inspiration from Nintendo 64’s Super Mario, Feathery Ears follows a young girl named Ashley Dengra and her alias Misa Ikko as she jumps, swims, glides and tightropes her way to collecting stars.

One day, Misa Ikko wakes up on a beach in the middle of an unfamiliar world and discovers that creatures known as Gembugs have stolen the stars out of the sky. Misa quickly befriends a girl named Coral, who entrusts her with a flaming sword and sets Misa on a quest to restore the sky. In this colorful, crumbling and mysterious world – peril awaits you at every corner.

Despite modern graphics, easy to use controls and an original atmosphere, Feathery Ears has absolutely nothing to offer gaymers outside of that. And this is coming from someone who has a mild obsession with the magical girl subgenre. It’s repetition, repetition, repetition with the build and design of each level being the only key difference. To me, Feathery Ears comes off as a demo for something bigger instead of a finished adventure.

Its biggest pitfall, however, is the lack of basic meters that traditional gaymers look for. Where is your health bar? Where is the enemy’s health bar? How many stars are left to collect in each level? Are there any other weapons or costumes to unlock? The answer is simply – none of this exists, so customization and basic battle functionality are void. It doesn’t matter how far you get into Feathery Ears, the difficulty remains the same.

I feel like Feathery Ears could entertain you during an hour’s worth of car ride or during a single doctor’s visit, but picking it up again after that would be a gamble. Sorry, creators.

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