Monday, March 3, 2025
Games NewsNews

Male Byleth and Yuri have an S-Support

Fire Emblem Three Houses has truly taken over the internet once more. This time, it’s because of the new DLC, Cindered Shadows and how it adds four more characters to the roster. One of these characters is a man called Yuri and as it turns out, Male Byleth and Yuri are able to have an S-Support together.

Now we know how much gay, Male Byleth players got burned when the original game came out. So, we decided to do some sleuthing and thanks to YouTuber, Collector Tagami, we now know that the S-Support between Male Byleth and Yuri is romantic, not platonic.

From what we’ve seen of the YouTube video, it isn’t as ‘romantic’ as Male Byleth and Jeritza’s romance but you do get presented with a ring from Yuri all the same and there is a lot of blushing going on. It’s pretty sweet. Though, we’re a little disappointed that Big Bear Balthus doesn’t have an S-Support with Byleth either.

Excluding the fake-out S-Supports Male Byleth can get with Alois and Gilbert, this gives male Byleth three same-sex supports. One of them you can only gain access to if you play a certain route, which is the same as female Byleth players.

This still doesn’t make up for gay, Male Byleth players not having a lord to romance. Seriously Intelligent Systems, where is that new patch that lets us get our smooch on with Claude? We’re waiting.

Regardless, we’re excited to dedicate yet another 90 hours to Fire Emblem Three Houses and give Male Byleth the boyfriend he so rightly deserves.

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