Saturday, March 15, 2025

Why does Pokemon’s Eldegoss remind me of American Idol’s Ada Vox?

You ever have something gnaw away at you until you have an epiphany and think, “That’s what it is!” I had the same light-bulb in the brain moment this afternoon while playing Pokemon Sword/Shield. I have Eldegoss in my party because I wanted a grass-type on my team, and especially one that was new to the latest generation. Eldegoss evolved from Gossifleur at level 20, and ever since then I haven’t been able to look away from the pocket monster. It was so reminiscent of something I was familiar with, and after conquering my fifth Gym Challenge today – it struck me!

Eldegoss reminds me of former American Idol contestant Ada Vox. And maybe Delta Work, too, but more-so Ada Vox. If you’re not familiar with the performer, Ada Vox is a drag performer who was eliminated in the show’s top ten week during its sixteenth season in 2018. Ada was able to demonstrate a huge range of vocal talent and easily became one of the front-runners in the competition; perhaps being that season’s shock elimination over contestants who were overstaying their welcome.

A quick search of the diva’s social media pages shows that she’s still very busy almost two years after her season of American Idol aired. She even has a New Year’s Eve performance booked if you’re in the Long Beach, California area in a few days. More importantly, Ada is one of the few well-known drag queens to carve out a career for herself without the award winning platform provided by RuPaul. And now she’s perhaps immortalized forever as the inspiration behind Pokemon Sword/Shield’s big-haired sprout. It’s a stretch, I know, but let me have this.

Watch Ada’s performance of “Circle of Life” below.

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