N7 Day introduces new Mass Effect skins for Anthem
Imagine being a Mass Effect fan, hyping yourself up once again for N7 Day, the day that occurs every year to celebrate BioWare’s well-acclaimed series. Then imagine finding out that the only way that it’s been celebrated is through nothing but skins for a game that, let’s be honest, made sure that Mass Effect: Andromeda was dead in the water before it was even released.
It’s not the best of looks, even if the skins that were included are actually pretty cool. Thanks to Reddit user CptnCasx, we’re able to see just how Mass Effect was brought into the world of Anthem.
Yes, that’s right, through four different skins.

As you can see, the skins are based on the different classes that you have on offer in Anthem. The Ranger get’s the ‘Turian’ skin, which really just looks like Garrus’ gear in Mass Effect 3, then there’s the Interceptor who’s sporting the familiar Quarian jumpsuit look, the Storm sporting the Asari and, of course, the Colossus as the bulky, towering Krogan.
The skins are on sale for $8/850 shards, but if you don’t want to spend money then you can also grind your way to completion. Though the grind is a steep one, so be prepared if you go down that route.
All in all, a nice but incredibly disappointing day for Mass Effect fans who were possibly hoping for a remaster of the game or even a Switch port. However, with the new era of consoles only a year away, perhaps a remaster wouldn’t be the right move.
Regardless, let’s just hope that the teased Dragon Age day will have more for us, otherwise we’ll never believe in love again.